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Atlassian Bamboo: an Opinionated Approach
·1237 words·6 mins
Thoughs about using Atlassian Bamboo: the introduction.
Ruby Cheatsheet
·393 words·2 mins
I don’t need ↑↑↓↓←→←→BA but I need this when writing Ruby scripts.
Use Gravatar Everywhere
·153 words·1 min
Gravatar. Gravatar everywhere.
Displaying the Full Content in Hugo's RSS feed
·481 words·3 mins
The default RSS feed in Hugo site shows article abstract only. But what should I do if I want to display full content of the articles in the feed?
🐞 Battling With Gulp and Node
·926 words·5 mins
Tackling the generation gap between old Gulp and young Node when building my website.
🐞 GitVersioning: 'ThisAssembly' Is Inaccessible Due to Its Protection Level
·202 words·1 min
I can’t use ‘ThisAssembly’ in my .NET MVC project. Here’s why.
Documentation Makes Easy With MkDocs and GitLab Pages
·1045 words·5 mins
A guide to build a static website using MkDocs and deploy it to GitLab Pages.
A Tale of Two Caches: Redis and the cache helper
·884 words·5 mins
A note on how to add Redis and the cache helper to a .NET core Mvc app.
A Note on SSL Certificate
·566 words·3 mins
This is a note about the Linkedin learning course SSL Certificates for Web Developers.
Creating a User With Limited Privileges in Postgres
·236 words·2 mins
This post showing how to create a user with limited privileges in PostgreSQL.